I found a great resource for Potterware settings! Thanks Stephy! I’ve only just met Stephy, but check her out on Instagram @stemceramics! I…
Have you checked out Potterware? If not, run… don’t walk to www.emergingobjects.com and click on Potterware. Time suck, beware. You can play in…
I had the idea for the crinkle vase, but I wasn’t sure if you could easily make the type of shapes I desired…
Since I don’t have a pug mill at home, or any spare space in my dining room, aka “clay studio,” I opted to…
I am one of the many vulnerable folks out there who must try not to get the Corona Virus due to an existing…
Dearests, I have had quite a few questions about the clay used for 3D printing. On the 3D Potter site, you will find…
Hello again, fellow and sister claybotcompatriots! Here is another side-by-side comparison of model versus print. The model was created very quickly in…
As I become a card-carrying claybotter, I am teaching myself new software: Fusion 360 and Potterware for modeling, and SImplify3D for slicing. As…
Last year, when I was 64, I took my first ceramics class since high school at our local community college and threw, fired,…